Aerial view of WLC and MRMC


Wisconsin Lutheran College (WLC) is an independent, 住宅, 位于密尔沃基的全国排名的基督教学院,学生人数接近1人,100 undergraduate and graduate students 通过 its on-campus and online programming. 学院, 为基督徒领袖的生活做准备, 是公认的学术卓越和卓越的学生体验. 有爱心的, Christian 教师 work directly with students, who benefit 从 numerous reSearch, 服务, 以及旨在促进学术和精神成长的课外机会.

Mission of Wisconsin Lutheran College

Wisconsin Lutheran College, affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, 是一所招收男女基督徒的路德教文理学院吗. 学院 is committed to providing quality teaching, 奖学金, and 服务 that are rooted in Holy Scripture; promoting the spiritual growth of students, 教师, and staff; and preparing students 为 lives of Christian leadership.


信誉最好的网投平台排名致力于建立一个独特的身份,作为美国最好的文理学院之一,其特点是忠于圣经和路德教的信条, rigorous pursuit of academic excellence, 并致力于为教会和世界培养基督徒领袖.


威斯康辛路德学院是一所四年制文理学院,隶属于威斯康辛福音路德教会. It is located in Milwaukee. 学院有两个学期的学年,并授予文学学士学位, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Applied Science, 文学硕士, 理学硕士学位,文科和专业专业以及几个专业预科课程.

Read WLC's Annual Report